
Tuesday, January 04, 2005

The 80's queen is dethroned *sigh*

Okay, first of all you need to know that my first ever e-mail address was: I can still get stuff there, but I started getting too much JUNK and got new ones. Yes, I have multiple for different things to get sent to dif. addresses. Anyway, that doesn't matter. I have always been the 80's Queen until yesterday! Ammie, my sis-in-law/bestfriend sent me this quiz to my e-mail. While her intentions may have been good, the following is the reply she later got in HER e-mail:
(WARNING: Please take the quiz first before reading on, I give some stuff away)

First of all, you suck! I knew almost every song, BUT could not get the lyrics right! My brain IS mush, you know. Second, I am a moron and said I was born before Woodstock! Der-der! I got a 48% and it said I wasn't really from the 80's! Hello? People? I AM the 80's queen! Then, to top it all off, Chris took it and got a 93.5% saying he is an 80's rock god or something like that! He effing sucks! Just because he spelled Billie Jean right ( I said Billy Jean, so it was wrong) and he got 10 pts for knowing "warm smell of colitas rising up through the air" They said he was god for knowing this! Some of the ones I missed I was just yelling at the computer! And what really sucks is the whole time I was taking the test, I was like, "I rock! I know all these!" But Noooooo! Alas, I was shot down. I hang my head in shame. There was only 1 song that I did not know, and that was the invisible man sleeping in my bed song. What is that? I know every other song, but I can't get the dang lyrics right! I think I will be pissed for a week! Thanks, Ammie. Thanks a lot! Love,

And so, I leave you with this: She may have hit me with (her) best shot but I am still a maniac, a maniac on the floor and (I'm) dancing like (I've) never danced before. I wore a raspberry beret as she cut me like a knife and if you see me walking by and the tears are in my eyes, look away. But just know that I'm still standing, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Love to all,


At 4:11 PM, Blogger Sleeping Mommy said...

Oh my God, the DeLurkers have spread to you. Watch out Pascha!

I saw DeLurker on another site when it started earlier today...and it has spread like wildfire, my how the blogosphere really is a small small world.

Wait, you were singing 80s songs not disney toons....

I got nothin'

At 10:06 PM, Blogger ginger said...

Hey, Pascha! Thanks for stopping by and your nice comments! I wish I could take credit for my design, but it was all done by Julie at Moxie! I only know some basic html, so I wouldn't be much help translating designs into html. I wish I could help.

Welcome to the blog world! It is a SEVERE ADDICTION!!


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