
Friday, October 14, 2005

"don't keep that up!"

Parker, the 3 1/2 year old I call my son, and I were outside and he was begging and begging me to go for a walk up the street to the store to get laffy taffys (his candy of choice since BIRTH!) Well, Lydia was asleep and I had just ordered a pizza, so I kept telling him we couldn't go yet. He persisted. Finally, I said, "You keep that up and we won't go at all!" He pointed to the street light pole he was standing next to and quizzically said, "Keep that up?"
I just laughed.

On another occasion, I was in the bathroom, picking up stuff off the floor. Parker came walking in and said, "I gotta go potty. Move your big ol' butt."


At 3:47 PM, Blogger Mac&Cheese said...

MY GOSH, YOU'VE CREATED A MONSTER!!! I know how hard it is to not laugh when he does this stuff. You know he does it on purpose.


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