
Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Wah Wahs

Don't ever let my brother call you and say, "Talk to Josie. Here." Josie is my 2 yr. old neice. She calls me Wah Wahs. And when you talk to her on the phone, you feel like you are talking to some crazy Chinese lady who is trying to tell you about some dire emergency, but you have no clue what she is saying. All you know is Wah Wahs is your name. The rest is, "hay ching wiieng!!! Wah Wahs! Wah Wahs! no! no! shimmy shimmy shang! No! Ben! (that's her little brother, I got that) shing a wang a shubbi shubbi! Wah Wahs! (yes, I am listening) Wah Wahs! ha chingy shubbi sheshma no! no! okay. Bye bye! Wah Wahs!! Bye Bye!!"
Holy Crap! What did that girl just say?! I think she was trying to tell me that her dog was on fire and that her little brother Ben did it. But she could have just wanted to tell me a about a little ducky who couldn't fly. I HAVE NO CLUE!! Anyway, don't let this ever happened to you. Let this be your warning.

~Party on!


At 2:59 PM, Blogger Sleeping Mommy said...

you just need a translater dear.

I would have translated it for you but had my hands full with the boy.


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