
Friday, August 11, 2006

Weird Things from the Past, Episode II

If you will go to this post and read the 2nd and 3rd posts, it is happening again! People are finding me and contacting me. I think it is cool, actually. But yet, still weird. I am always reminiscing in my mind about events and people and what-not. And that always causes me to wonder if they remember me like I remember them? And do they think about the kinds of things I think about, if they do remember me? And are the thoughts happy, sad, angry, or what? You know?
The person who found me that I mentioned in my previous post remembered something that I didn't even remember. And I guess I caused him to have a love for redheads for the rest of his life. I find that so flattering, yet kind of sad. Sad, because I never even knew he liked me. Granted, it was in 3rd (?) grade, but still. How many people did you have crushes on and they never knew? How many had crushes on you? You may never know. And some people don't care about things like that. But I am one who does. It's nice to know that people like you, even if you don't find out for 20 years. When you do find out, it makes your heart kind of dance. They like me, they like me. It makes you smile.
Of course, then that makes me start to think about the jerks in jr. high and high school who didn't like me. The ones who, when I would tell them how I feel, they would literally laugh in my face and make fun of me. Who does that? And are they suffering now? Did karma pay them a visit? Sometimes I hope so, but sometimes (because of my niceness)I hope not and that they are doing fine. (Maybe just get papercuts more often than normal, or something.) :)
Anyway, can't wait to find out who found me this time!
And I need to update my pics, because this particular Salazar name made me want people to know I'm not so "fat" in the face anymore. :) ha ha.
Although, that will change soon, because we are planning baby #3!! Yea!!


At 8:15 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's so exciting! Yay for you guys! And you're CRAZY.
Oh...I have a blog

At 10:58 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah, by lost two camera guys, I mean we lost S and C to the investigators for no good reason.

At 2:08 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think of people from my past often. I wonder what became of them. I think it's cool you get the chance to know.

At 2:04 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am a friend of John and his family. I told him that I ran across your website and he said to tell you hi. It was really wierd because I was looking for things to do and your site came up. I'm sorry I do not know you, but when I was looking at your website, I saw the name and remember him mentioning you. You have to admit it is not a common name. Anyway they have a yahoo 360 page if you ever want to say hi. It is under Audrey Salazar wichita kansas. And by the way, it was never bad...


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