
Sunday, May 15, 2005

And she's off!

Today, finally, after much backwards scooting, she crawls forward! Exactly 8 months and 1 day old. It's funny, too. She doesn't really use her knees. She pops up on her toes and her little toes push her forward, then she comes back down to rest on the front of her thighs, not really her knees. I bet by the end of the week she is chasing after Big Brother! That will be fun. And tomorrow is finally Parker's birthday party! He is SOOOO excited! He keeps going around telling people he is going to have a Spongebob party and mommy is making a Patrick cake but "I haf a wait." It's so cute. I hope he enjoys it as much as he's built it up in his little head. And the cakes better turn out well, or I might cry. I'll try to post some pictures. Wish me luck.



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