
Thursday, December 01, 2005

Independence kid

In his new found quest for independence (he's finally figured out the pooping in the potty this week!), Parker attempted to cook his own food in the microwave. This morning, he went downstairs, got into the fridge for a piece of "be-yony" (bologna) and a hotdog, wrapped the hotdog with the "be-yony" and put it in the microwave. He then (as he later told us) pushed "all the buttons" and came upstairs. I was asleep during all of this and was awakened to the smell of charred something. As I was going downstairs, Parker says to me, "The be-yony is gross. It's scary."
Me: "Did you try to cook some bologna?"
Parker: "yeah. It's scary now. It's all black"
So I get to the microwave. It is totally charred. We are so lucky it didn't catch fire or something. WHAT are we going to do with him?!
By the way, the brown on the paper towel was already there, not from this instance. The item on the left is the hotdog. The be-yony unrolled to the right.


At 9:58 AM, Blogger Sleeping Mommy said...

that looks like petrified, charred pooh.

You are so lucky the house didn't catch fire while you were asleep.

At 11:11 AM, Blogger Jen said...


At 7:13 PM, Blogger J-Lynn said...

ROFL Pascha - I found you! It's Jess.

Lately Isabelle has been fascinated with the toaster oven. The other day it was empty but the crumbs on the bottom made the whole house smell like burnt toast. She's smart enough to know it's hot thank goodness.

They keep you on your toes!

At 5:03 PM, Blogger maria said...

OMG, you are so lucky that the
little guy did not get hurt and
the house did not burn.

So scarry!


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