
Tuesday, June 28, 2005

I'm a bad blogger

I'm a bad blogger.
I know.
I haven't posted in over a month!
I'm busy, people!
So, to catch up . . .
Lydia has 4 teeth, with 2 more coming in. The top 2 have a big gap b/t & are viscious, as she likes to scrape them along my nipple when she nurses!! OUCH!!
She is also crawling all over the place and has been pulling up & walking along furniture for at least 2 weeks now. (if you don't care about this stuff, tough. I need it so I can put it in the baby book later :p )

Parker continues to poop his pants . . .BUT today! oh, the poor kid actually tried to go potty on his own! But I was downstairs and didn't hear him yelling for me. He had sat on the potty by himself and tried to go poop. Which he did! Yea! But it didn't come all the way out of his butt and when I didn't answer him, he came downstairs to get me so I could wipe his bottom. Well, that poop plopped right out of his butt about half-way down the stairs and lucky me, I still had a mess to clean up. But, hey! At least he tried, right? And he tried to do it by himself. He may finally do it after all!

The business is not doing as well as I would like, but last night my brother and I brainstormed for about an hour about some possibly effective, cheaper means of advertising. Now, just to put them into effect . . .

Meanwhile . . . I go crazy on a daily basis. And I want 4 kids?! And my own business?! And to try to do everything else I get a hair up my butt to do?! Oh, and a clean house and a happy husband, too?! WHAT AM I SMOKING?!!!
No, really I DO want those things. And I believe it can be done. I may end up in an insane asylum, but that's just a slight drawback, right?

Anyway, check this out if you want a way to make money that is TRULY legitimate!

Keep on dancing!
~Party Pascha


At 8:46 AM, Blogger Sleeping Mommy said...

Yes you are a bad blogger and GO PARKER!!!

I assume you praised him all over the place for trying right?

And as to the rest, yeah you are crazy, but then again that's just you. The trick is to prioritize and organize. Make sure you are giving attention to the most important things in your life and that includes YOU.

Yeah, I know. Shut up Ammie. Quit rolling your eyes at me girl, you know I am right.


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